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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Microsoft approves Creative Commons, too nice!

I don't know about you but when I think of Microsoft I get a warm fuzzy feeling all over my body. This is just another piece of news from Microsoft that tickles me pink (tee-hee). A new agreement between Microsoft and Creative Commons (CC) will allow users of the Office Suite to publish their documents with a choice of several different CC licenses.

CC licenses allow authors and artists to release their work while maintaining some of the rights such as ownership by preventing people from selling or altering their work but allowing for copying and distribution. The licenses will be available via an Add-In that is publicly available (here or here) and will make it easier for users "to mark their creative work with the freedom they intend it to carry". This sounds like a great feature and seems to implement nicely with Word and Powerpoint.

Stay with us as we follow the Microsoft corporate PR wheel as it continues rollin, rollin, rollin ...


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