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FixGadgets is a computer service and support company located in Central New York. We offer support for computer problems and service for computer upgrades. We can be reached any time of the day at 631.680.7844 or fixgadgets@gmail.com

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Get a Mac at your local BestBuy

Unfortunately we can't all be so lucky to have an Apple Store around the corner but if successful you might be seeing Macs at your local BestBuy. An article from the Associated Press reports that the nation's largest consumer electronics retailer is testing the possibility of selling Apple's full line of computers.

Currently, Best Buy only carries the popular iPod and accessories but that may change. Best Buy has added Apple computers in seven stores (four weeks ago) and it's considering expanding Mac sales across the whole chain according to BestBuy Senior VP for Merchandising David Morrish.

This move could be very profitable to both parties. Apple computers are held in high respect by many computer buyers and demand a high selling point because of their quality and attention to detail. Apple could stand to see considerable profit by offering its whole product line to a markedly larger audience. This combined with the ability to load Windows Operating Systems on Apple computers could change the computer market completely for Apple.

In the end, the numbers will have to do the talking.


  • At 6/21/2006 3:59 PM, Blogger Kiltak said…

    Oh man, you are a posting machine.. :) How can you write so much content in a day?

    If you ever feel like contributing a post or two to [GAS], feel free to do so :)


    btw, maybe you should enable the captcha feature on your blog. If Spamming bots ever get on here, you'll have to delete 100's of spam comments..

  • At 6/21/2006 7:32 PM, Blogger Evan Spiegel said…

    Yeah I think I will enable it. I just didn't want to scare people away from commenting.

    There was some good news today so I put some stuff up quickly. Man would I love to have a team of people so that I can post more like 50-100 things a day.

    There is just too much happening to cover it all.

  • At 6/21/2006 8:15 PM, Blogger Kiltak said…

    50-100 is a bit extreme :).. it will scare people, better be 10 good post a day then 100 so-so..

  • At 6/22/2006 8:05 AM, Blogger Evan Spiegel said…

    guess you're right, just wished I had more time to devote to this. Damn work gets in the way!


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