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FixGadgets is a computer service and support company located in Central New York. We offer support for computer problems and service for computer upgrades. We can be reached any time of the day at 631.680.7844 or fixgadgets@gmail.com

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I Hate Google, Period, End of Sentence.

Read this if you're wondering why the blog looks different (and no it wasn't intentional, planned, or desired):

So today Google has officially crossed over to my shit list. I have spent the last 2 months perfecting the template for this blog (adding social bookmarking links, altering the layout, and other fine tuning) and today when I decide to write some new posts I find out that they decided to erase all of my changes to my template. When I checked my page I got a bunch of HTML code so I checked the template out and found that only the top portion of template was there.

Now I know I can't complain because Blogger is a free service but what the hell is this about. I am just so pissed off that I can't begin to explain. Well if anything this gives me even more of a reason to switch to another platform. The only thing that was holding me back was that I had customized the template specifically for Blogger. So bear with me for the next few days while I try to figure out what I am going to do with this mess.

In the mean time feel free to share any similar experiences that you may have had. I'm off to the gym to take some aggression out on the punching bag.

Apple's New Wireless Mighty Mouse

So we all have to thank Vincent Nguyen for sharing some sexy and surely revealing pictorials of the new wireless Mighty Mouse.

Mighty Mouse Features Include:
  • Bluetooth wireless capability
  • Laser tracking engine provides 20x surface sensitivity
  • 360-degree clickable Scroll Ball
  • Touch-sensitive top shell
  • Force-sensing side buttons
And to top it all off the design is so attractive that you won't be able to take your eyes of it. Now that I've wet your appetite, here are some pictures from Nguyen:

The rest of the pictures of this sexy beast can be found here.

Firefox Extension of the Week: VideoDownloader 1.0

All I have to say is this biznitch is the schiznit. This weeks Firefox extension of the week is VideoDownloader 1.0, a tool that allows you to download videos from the likes of Youtube, Google, Metacafe, iFilm, Dailymotion, and numerous other video sites. Now I can watch all of those episodes of Naruto on Youtube in one long block.

NOTE: The program downloads the files in .flv format so you'll need to download the flv player to watch the video. You can go here to download the flv format player.

The tool can be especially useful if you are a poor college student who can't afford internet or cable. Just take a visit to your local library or free internet cafe and download a few hours of video, that's why you convinced your parents you needed that 250GB external hard drive.

Alas I once was a poor college student. Once was? I still am a poor student instead now, I've moved up the ranks to Ph.D. (Sometimes I have problems suppressing my internal dialogue.)

Here's Episode 1 Part 1 of Naruto ... Enjoy!