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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Firefox Extension of the Week: VideoDownloader 1.0

All I have to say is this biznitch is the schiznit. This weeks Firefox extension of the week is VideoDownloader 1.0, a tool that allows you to download videos from the likes of Youtube, Google, Metacafe, iFilm, Dailymotion, and numerous other video sites. Now I can watch all of those episodes of Naruto on Youtube in one long block.

NOTE: The program downloads the files in .flv format so you'll need to download the flv player to watch the video. You can go here to download the flv format player.

The tool can be especially useful if you are a poor college student who can't afford internet or cable. Just take a visit to your local library or free internet cafe and download a few hours of video, that's why you convinced your parents you needed that 250GB external hard drive.

Alas I once was a poor college student. Once was? I still am a poor student instead now, I've moved up the ranks to Ph.D. (Sometimes I have problems suppressing my internal dialogue.)

Here's Episode 1 Part 1 of Naruto ... Enjoy!


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