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Friday, June 09, 2006

iTunes EULA does equal iHappy

Are you one of those people who just agrees to the End-User License Agreement (EULA) on all the software that you use?

Well I guess people from Norway aren't as click-happy as we are here in America and they actually decided to read the EULA included in iTunes.

What happened when they read the EULA? The fell asleep. They found something that didn't make them iHappy. Norwegians called the agreement "grossly unreasonable" because it required them to consent to English law while iTunes can change the rights to the downloaded music whenever they want. On top of this they disclaim all liability for possible damage that their software may cause. Now while the EULA should provide some level of protection to Apple from frivolous lawsuits I hardly think that they should be in no way liable for damages that might occur if they were Apple's fault.

Sadly enough, this is not just the case with Apple but is true for most EULAs that end-users like you and me click through every day without a second thought about it.

The Norwegian Consumer Council has singled out iTunes but is making plans to go after other downloading services offered in Norway. The council has mandated that Apple has until June 21st to voluntarily change the terms after which the Council will persue a lawsuit.

Just another piece of evidence to convince you that Norway's Consumer Council isn't joking around is this site detailing their case against iTunes.

Thanks to the hard workers at Engadget for pointing this story out.


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